Thought for the Day
Whether you’re dealing with the “Terrible Two’s” or “Teen Years” learn to pick and choose your battles.
Behind the Thought
Both the "Terrible Two" or "Teen" stages are periods of enormous social development. During these stages, a child takes a huge leap in the development of their sense of identity and independence.
One of easiest way to make yourself different from your parents is to say "no". Being able to say "no" is quick way to being your own separate person. "Rebellion" and "opposition" are normal features of these years.
Since "no" may be a frequent response and attitude during these periods, try not to be drawn into constant battles with your child. Save your parental authority for the most important issues.
With your new peace of mind from not fighting every opposition for your child, you might look for positive ways for your child to explore and express their growing sense of independence. Enjoy their development, help them find what makes them special and give them their own identity.
Find other ways for them to express their new identities beyond just saying "no."